Terms and Conditions of Service

APlusTraffic.com strives to deliver targeted advertising to our customers' websites, however APlusTraffic.com is not responsible for any traffic delivered to your website if your website is down. You can always contact us so we can pause your advertising campaign.

In order to accurately measure the amount of traffic we have sent you, we provide you with login information to show you the traffic count in real-time. This serves as the official measure of traffic to your website. If your raw server log stats differ from the stats we have provided you, please contact us so we can make sure our stats accurately show the traffic recorded by your server. We can also provide pro-rata refunds upon request if your raw server log stats differ (for example, you ordered 100,000 Visitors and you only received 80,000, so we will refund 20,000 visitors within 2 - 5 business days).

Unless specified in the advertising service you order from us, APlusTraffic.com does not guarantee sales. We will deliver the targeted advertising to your website and it is up to your website to convert the visitors into sales.

Purchasing any advertising service from APlusTraffic.com signifies that you have read the Terms and Conditions of Service and will adhere to them.

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